What does a title company do? If you have ever bought or sold a house, or are currently in the process, you know it is not as simple as signing a couple... read more →
Deed. Title. What’s the difference? When it comes to buying and selling, our title company knows these words can be a common source of confusion. While often used interchangeably in real estate, they have two... read more →
Mortgage loan originators, do you feel like your interactions with your title companies are an endless game of paper and details - especially at month-end? We believe the loan application process and closing should be... read more →
In our fast-paced world, it can often be a challenge to pick the right time to close on a house. Will you have to leave work? Find a sitter? With mobile closings,... read more →
If you’re a new loan originator (L.O.), starting a mortgage company, running a branch, or want to capitalize on the refi boom, what do you do? You know there are consumers in... read more →
As a leading provider of a full range of title and escrow services, we come across liens all the time. The bad news? Liens are one of the most common conditions that... read more →
What Does "Request Payoff" Mean with Regards to a Mortgage Loan? Buying a home is an exciting adventure, and looking towards the future, homeowners can’t wait until they own their... read more →
Title insurance is a type of insurance that protects mortgage lenders and homeowners against any claims that question the legal ownership of a home or property. If there is a dispute over... read more →
We’ve seen it time and time again. Loved ones of a deceased family member put a house on the market, the house attracts a potential buyer, it goes through the... read more →
With interest rates at an all-time low, you might be wondering if it’s time to refinance your home. When you refinance your mortgage, you are essentially paying off your existing... read more →